Academic honesty and integrity constitute the root of the educational process at Temple University. Intellectual growth relies on the development of independent thought and respect for the thoughts of others. To foster this independence and respect, plagiarism and academic cheating are prohibited.
Plagiarism is the unacknowledged use of another individual's ideas, words, labor or assistance. All coursework submitted by a student, including papers, examinations, laboratory reports and oral presentations, is expected to be the individual effort of the student who presents the work. When it is not, that assistance must be reported to the instructor. If the work involves the consultation of other resources such as books, journals or other media, those resources must be cited in the appropriate style. All other borrowed material, such as suggestions for organization, ideas or actual language, must also be cited. Failure to cite any borrowed material, including information from the internet, constitutes plagiarism.
Academic cheating results when the general rules of academic work or the specific rules of individual courses are broken. It includes
- falsifying data;
- helping others to plagiarize or cheat from one's own or another's work;
- submitting, without the instructor's approval, work in one course that was done for another; or
- undertaking the work of another person.
The penalty for academic dishonesty can vary from a reprimand and receiving a failing grade for a particular assignment, to a failing grade in the course, to suspension or expulsion from the university. The penalty varies with the nature of the offense. Students who believe that they have been unfairly accused may appeal through their school's or college's academic grievance procedure and, ultimately, to the Graduate Board if academic dismissal has occurred.